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OVERVIEW: Worldwide roundup COVID-19 developments

(Reuters) - Global COVID-19 cases hit 60 million on Wednesday, while millions of Americans traveled for Thanksgiving, turning a blind eye to official warnings, record hospitalizations and a surging death toll.

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How South Korea’s Flu Vaccine Scare Offers Lessons for Other Nations

SEOUL, South Korea — The deaths were mounting, and so were the public’s fears.

South Korea had vastly expanded its flu vaccine program to cover millions more people, to prevent a one-two punch to its health system as the coronavirus spread globally. But as the injections got underway, reports of deaths started popping up.

South Korean scientists quickly determined that the deaths were unrelated to the flu shots. But they worried that if they didn’t stop the panic, the public might shun the vaccines altogether.

So health officials doubled down — and, in the process, gave the world a game plan for when coronavirus vaccines become widely available.

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China stepping up virus testing on imported food packaging

China is stepping up virus inspections on imported food packaging as cooler weather brings new waves of coronavirus infections in several overseas countries, Chinese officials said Wednesday.

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OP-ED :Covid-19 Data Is a Mess. We Need a Way to Make Sense of It.

The United States is more than eight months into the pandemic and people are back waiting in long lines to be tested as coronavirus infections surge again. And yet there is still no federal standard to ensure testing results are being uniformly reported. Without uniform results, it is impossible to track cases accurately or respond effectively.

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